• Do You Need Laser Vision Correction?

    Have you ever wanted to wake up one morning and just see clearly without getting your glasses first? Do you feel frustrated with your glasses, always having to readjust them and clean them? There are many medical advancements in optometry that allow you to see more clearly without the aid of glasses. Lasik, or laser eye surgery, is one of the options you can consider. Laser vision correction uses a small laser light and cutting-edge technology to re-shape your eye's cornea so you can see better without your glasses or contacts.
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  • Eye Surgery Questions And Answers For Patients

    Eye surgery can be necessary for protecting and preserving your eyesight. This procedure can be stressful for patients to undergo as they may not know what they should expect. Patients that are informed about the reasons for eye surgery and what to expect from this procedure will be in a stronger position for deciding how they should address these issues. Is Eye Surgery Only Necessary For Addressing Disease Or Serious Injury?
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  • Preventing Eye Injuries During DIY Home Renovations

    DIY home renovation can save you money, but it can also endanger your eyesight. Therefore, before dabbling in a bit of home improvement, you should educate yourself on how to protect your eyes during the process. Here are some of the protective measures you should execute: Protect Your Eyes from Dust A typical renovation project kicks up considerable dirt and dust. Some of the dust will be visible and smelly while others can be odorless, but they can all damage your eyes.
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  • Natural Ways To Prevent Glaucoma

    If you have a history of glaucoma in your family, you may be wondering what you can do to prevent yourself from falling victim to this disease. While there is medication that your doctor can give you once the diagnosis of glaucoma has been made, it is wise for you to try to prevent the disease naturally while you can. Here are some ways in which you can naturally reduce your chances of getting glaucoma.
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