Do You Need Laser Vision Correction?

Posted on: 10 October 2018

Have you ever wanted to wake up one morning and just see clearly without getting your glasses first? Do you feel frustrated with your glasses, always having to readjust them and clean them?

There are many medical advancements in optometry that allow you to see more clearly without the aid of glasses. Lasik, or laser eye surgery, is one of the options you can consider. Laser vision correction uses a small laser light and cutting-edge technology to re-shape your eye's cornea so you can see better without your glasses or contacts.

Although you may feel like this type of vision correction seems a bit extreme, this type of vision correction can actually be what's best for you. Use this guide to help you determine if laser vision correction is your best option.

You spend a lot on glasses

Do you spend a lot on glasses or contact lenses? These costs don't go away, and while they are an investment in your sight overall, unless your prescription never changes, you'll continue to pay for new glasses and contacts for as long as you need them. Contacts in particular are not long lasting and have to be replaced often.

Glasses wear out and break, so even they won't last forever. Imagine having a more permanent solution to your vision needs in the form of laser vision correction. With this procedure, you spend no money on glasses or contacts at all, so your investment in the surgery is often the only one you make in your sight.

You can't wear contacts

You hate the way you look in glasses but contacts are always dry or itchy. Or, you have sensitive or dry eyes so contact lenses are not recommended for you. If you don't want to wear contacts so you're limited to glasses, but you hate glasses, then you feel you have no better solution for your vision needs.

Not so — laser vision correction can eliminate the need for you to wear either contacts or glasses entirely, allowing you to see clearly without any visual aid. Some people may have to wear reading or driving glasses after correction, but this is usually it. You can be free of glasses and feel more confident in both the way you see and look when you choose laser vision correction for your needs.

Your vision specialist will give you an exam to see if laser eye surgery is best for you. See a specialist, like those at Idaho Eye and Laser Center, to learn more about the procedure.
