How To Know That You Need Glasses

Posted on: 19 May 2022

Eyeglasses are one of the most common types of vision correction among men, women, and children. They have many advantages over contact lenses, including minimal maintenance, affordability, and reduced risk of infection. However, you can't wear the same pair of glasses forever. Eventually, you will need a new prescription to maintain clear vision.

Here are a few signs that you need to get new glasses.

You Are Squinting Frequently

People squint to reduce the amount of light entering their eyes, helping them see better. If you find yourself squinting to see the television, computer, or smartphone, your glasses may not be working as well as they should. You may benefit from getting a new prescription. 

You Experience Headaches Often

As mentioned above, an outdated prescription can cause you to squint frequently. All of that eyestrain can lead to headaches. Your head may especially start to pound when you are reading a book or looking at a screen for a long time. If over-the-counter pain medication is not relieving your headaches, it may be time to get a new eyeglass prescription.

You Have Blurry Vision

Are objects blurry even at a close distance? If you answered yes, your glasses may be to blame. If the prescription is old, you might not be able to see objects clearly. In this situation,  you should call your eye doctor for a new prescription.

Your Glasses Are Damaged

Eyeglasses that have scratches or dings don't just look less appealing. They can also negatively affect your vision. If your glasses have sustained damage, you may have to get them replaced to see well again.

Your Glasses Are No Longer Stylish

Eyeglasses do not just help you see better. They can also enhance your style. However, like other accessories, certain glasses can go out of style after a while. If you do not feel like your glasses are in fashion anymore, you should make an appointment to see your eye doctor soon.

You Can't Clean Your Glasses Anymore

It is important to clean your eyeglasses regularly to be able to see clearly. However, if your glasses have a special coating that breaks down, it may leave behind a film that makes cleaning difficult. If this is the case, you may need new glasses promptly.

If you are noticing any of these signs, you likely need new glasses. Make an appointment with your eye doctor as soon as possible. 
